Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 10.00%


    Come join MunchPak's affiliate program and earn commission doing something you love...sharing your love of snacks with friends and family.

    We are looking for everyday people, professionals, whoever, as long as you are a fan of MunchPak and our products.


    How can I see my sales?

    In the introduction email, you’ll receive a link to log in to your account, where you’ll be able to see your sales.

    How will I get paid?

    Payments to your PayPal email will be monthly. If you have made commissions, each month you will receive the amount in your PayPal account. Please make sure you added the correct email in the “PayPal email” box to ensure you get paid out each month.

    What if I make a sale and it doesn’t show up?

    It takes about 1-2 business days for the sale to show up on your account. If the sale had a “discount” at checkout, this means the 10% off was applied to the customer. If the discount did not show up in the cart or checkout, this means there was an error. Make sure the person clicked your link and is making the purchase from the link they clicked. If it’s still not working, please email [email protected] with a screenshot of the checkout screen.

    What can I do to make more sales?

    Some best practices and tips to make sure you’re doing the most:

    • Add your link to your “bio” on all social accounts and make sure you share that followers will get 10% off their purchase.

    • Post on your Instagram and Facebook stories about your favorite products by MunchPak and your recommendations.

    • Make sure you follow @munchpak on Instagram and join our Facebook group to keep up with the latest!

    • You can use our content, graphics and text that we provide, or you can create your own, whenever you see fit.

    MunchPak Affiliate Program Agreement

    As an authorized affiliate of MunchPak, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Please read the entire Agreement carefully before registering and promoting MunchPak as an Affiliate.

    Your participation in the Program is solely to legally advertise our website to receive a commission on products purchased by individuals referred to MunchPak by your own website or personal referrals.

    By signing up for the MunchPak Affiliate Program, you indicate your acceptance of this Agreement and its terms and conditions.

    1. Approval or Rejection of the Application:

    We reserve the right to approve or reject ANY Affiliate Program Application in our sole and absolute discretion. You will have no legal recourse against us for the rejection of your Affiliate Program Application.

    2. Commissions:

    Commissions will be paid once a month on the 1st of the month via PayPal. You will not receive a commission on your own purchases.

    There is a limit of one commission per customer referral. You will only receive a commission on the customer’s first order.

    Payments will only be sent for transactions that have been successfully completed. Transactions that result in chargebacks, returns, or refunds will not be paid out.

    3. Termination:

    Your affiliate application and status in the Program may be suspended or terminated for any of the following reasons:

    • Inappropriate advertisements (false claims, misleading hyperlinks, etc.)
    • Spamming (mass email, mass newsgroup posting, etc.)
    • Advertising on sites containing or promoting illegal activities
    • Failure to disclose the affiliate relationship for any promotion that qualifies as an endorsement under existing Federal Trade Commission guidelines and regulations, or any applicable state laws
    • Self-referrals, fraudulent transactions, suspected Affiliate fraud

    In addition to the foregoing, MunchPak reserves the right to terminate any Affiliate account at any time, for any violations of this Agreement or no reason.

    4. Affiliate Links:

    You can use our content, graphics and text that we provide, or you can create your own, whenever you see fit.

    5. Coupon and Deal Sites:

    MunchPak occasionally offers coupons to select affiliates and to our newsletter subscribers. If you’re not pre-approved/assigned a branded coupon, then you’re not allowed to promote the coupon. Below are the terms that apply for any affiliate who is considering the promotion of our products in relation to a deal or coupon:

    • Affiliates may not use misleading text on affiliate links, buttons, or images to imply that anything besides currently authorized deals to the specific affiliate.
    • Affiliates may not bid on MunchPak coupons, discounts, or other phrases implying coupons are available.
    • Affiliates may not generate pop-ups, pop-unders, iframes, frames, or any other seen or unseen actions that set affiliate cookies.
    • Affiliate sites may not have “Click for (or to see) Deal/Coupon” or any variation, when there are no coupons or deals available, and the click opens the merchant site or sets a cookie. Affiliates with such text on the merchant landing page will be removed from the program immediately.
    6. Liability:

    MunchPak will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, commissions) due to affiliate tracking failures, loss of database files, or any results of intents of harm to the Program and/or to our website(s).

    7. Term of the Agreement:

    The term of this Agreement begins upon your acceptance in the Program and will end when your Affiliate account is terminated.

    The terms and conditions of this agreement may be modified by us at any time. If any modification to the terms and conditions of this Agreement are unacceptable to you, your only choice is to terminate your Affiliate account. Your continuing participation in the Program will constitute your acceptance of any changes.

    By signing up, you agree to our website's privacy policy listed here.